In controlled laboratory experiments, we find that, despite the strategic complexity in its usage, people can indeed use literally vague language to effectively transmit information. Based on the theory and the experimental evidence, we conclude that context dependence is an appealing explanation for ...
However, there are different strategies for dealing with this context-dependence. Van Deemter [17], for example, explicitly represents context in the object-language of his theory. In this paper, we...Bittner, T., Smith, B.: Vague reference and approximating judgments. Spatial Cognition and ...
InthecurrentpaperIdevelopalogicallanguage whichIcallVagueAdjectiveLogic(VAL).Thepur- poseofVALisnottomodelnaturallanguageinallits peculiardetails,butrathertoprovideaformaltheory thatcapturestheessentiallogicandsemanticfunction ofvagueadjectives.Atheoryofhowtheseexpressions ...