Surgery for Apical Vaginal Prolapse after Hysterectomy: Transvaginal Mesh-Based Repairdoi:10.1016/j.ucl.2018.08.005Transvaginal meshApical prolapseOutcomesVaginal vault prolapseProlapse repairShannon L. WallaceDepartment of UrologyRaveen SyanDepartment of UrologyEric R. Sokol...
Anatomical and functional results of McCall culdoplasty in the prevention of enteroceles and vaginal vault prolapse after vaginal hysterectomy of the McCall culdoplasty in the treatment of moderate hysterocele and the prevention of enterocele and vaginal vault prolapse after vaginal hysterectomy. ......
Summary Recurrent post-hysterectomy vaginal vault prolapse is a difficult surgical problem. Our experience of seven cases of such prolapse treated by laparoscopic sacral colpopexy is reported. In all, the vaginal vault was fixed to the presacral region using a prolene mesh, with the entire procedu...
Agostine A, Bretelle F, Cravello L, et al. Vaginal hysterectomy in nulliparous women without prolapse: a prospective comparative study. Int J Obstet Gynecol. 2003;110:515-8.Vaginal hysterectomy in nulli -parous women without prolapse:a prospective comparative study. Agostinia A,,Bretelle F,C...
VAGINAL surgeryLOCAL anesthesiaVAGINAL hysterectomyPELVIC organ prolapsePILOT projectsInternational Urogynecology Journal -doi:10.1007/s00192-020-04356-8Ghazaleh RostaminiaInternational Urogynecology Journal
Uterine preservation or hysterectomy at sacrospinous colpopexy for uterovaginal prolapse? This study retrospectively compared 34 women who had a sacrospinous hysteropexy and 36 who had a vaginal hysterectomy and sacrospinous fixation for symptom... CF Maher,MP Cary,MC Slack,... - 《Internationa...
Vaginal vault prolapse is a significant long-term complication of hysterectomy and is usually attributed to weakness of the uterosacral ligaments. The incidence of vaginal vault prolapse after hysterectomy has been estimated at between 0.4% and 1.8% [1]. The risk of vaginal vault prolapse increases...
Twelve Month Outcomes of Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery in Patients With Uterovaginal or Posthysterectomy Vaginal Prolapse Enrolled in the Multicenter Pelvic FloorDisorders Registry Objective The aim of the study was to compare 12-month subjective and objective outcomes between 3 approaches to apical pelvi...
Ginecol Obstet Mex. 1966 Nov-Dec; 21(125):957-61.GO Authors Gallo D MeSH Adnexa UteriFemaleHumansHysterectomyLigamentsPolyethylenesUterine Prolapse Pub Type(s) Journal Article Language spa PubMed ID 5998584
Can Vaginal Hysterectomy be Left for the Treatment of Advanced Stage of Pelvic Organ Prolapse ?Pelvic organ prolapse is the downward descent of female pelvic organs, including the bladder, uterus or post-hysterectomy vaginal cuff, and the small or large bowel, resulting in protrusion of the ...