Sorry because I am into your intimacy that much, but this is the only way to see what could be your problem, it all can be related toburning after urinationthat you are dealing with. Here are some of the reasons why this maybe is happening. You have a UTI. May...
Expert ob-gyns weigh-in on why you might be experiencing a burning sensation in your vagina after or during sex, and when it's time to go see a doctor.
I am experiencing pv watery discharge And twice sticky discharge since 4 days Making panty look greyish black I have no symptoms like itching or burning. I am worried help me out. Happening after 18 days of menstruation. Asked for Female, 25 Years 43 Views Dr. Vijaya Gupta Gynecologist |...
I'm really clueless on what I should really do. Could somebody please help ? ! :'( Guestover a year ago u may have a bladder infection right after u have intercourse u need to use the bathroom to prevent this hope i helped Reply ...
Using some forms of hormonal birth control Signs of Vaginal Dryness Vaginal dryness is more common than you might expect. A few signs of vaginal dryness include: Abnormalvaginal discharge Burning inside your vagina and with urination Itching or stinging inside your vagina ...
Stinging when urinating (peeing) or after contact with water or semen Discomfort when inserting a tampon or during sexual intercourse Slight bleeding orspotting Itching, burning, or a tearing sensation If you think you have a vaginal cut, do aself-examand keep an eye on the area to see if ...
This is also called “cottage cheese” discharge – not the most pleasant-sounding (or feeling), we know. It usually comes with vaginal itching, burning, soreness, and irritation and typically indicates avaginal yeast infectiondue to an imbalance of bacteria in the vaginal flora.1,8If all tho...
---you have a yeast infection,sometimes women get them after taking antibiotics. Reply Guest over a year ago at first i was itche then it became to the point where i was dying of itch i founf the itch to be only my clitoris and labias.. I had no burning while peeing just very...