Different vaginas have different smells at different times of the day. Right out of the shower, a vagina may not smell. After running or exercise, a vagina might smell musky from all the sweat glands. A menstruating vagina may smell like iron, and when a vagina has an overgrowth of yeast...
What we eat has a big effect on how our body smells. “Theoretically what you eat could reflect in your bodily fluids,” Dr. Loanzon says. “Similar to asparagus when broken down releases the distinct smell in urine." Eating a lot of things like asparagus, onions, red meat, and ...
Your diet may affect how it smells. Okay, so foods don't directly cause your discharge to smell differently — but they can affect the vaginal environment and therefore your scent. "Strong spices, garlic, onions, and coffee are the culprits commonly known to change vaginal odor," says Kecia...