Syntax-Infused Variational Autoencoder for Text Abstract Syntax-Infused VAE顾名思义就是结合了语法信息的VAE文本生成,结合输入文本的语法树,可以提升生成句子的语法信息。作者分别为句子和语法树生成了隐变量,并且重写了变分下界的目标函数,以此优化2者的联合分布。
以下是VAE在图像处理之外的一些重要和有趣的应用。 文本生成与处理(Text Generation and Processing) VAE不仅能够生成具有高度真实感的图像,还能用于文本数据,打开了自然语言处理(NLP)领域的新可能性。通过将文本数据编码为潜在空间中的向量,VAE能够生成新的文本数据,这对于文本生成、机器翻译、情感分析等任务特别有用。
Polarized-VAE: Proximity Based Disentangled Representation Learning for Text GenerationLearning disentangled representations of real-world data is a challenging open problem. Most previous methods have focused on either supervised approaches which use attribute labels or unsupervised approaches that manipulate ...
There is a growing interest in exploring the use of variational auto-encoders (VAE), a deep latent variable model (opens in new tab), for text generation. Compared to the standard RNN-based language model (opens in new tab) that generates sentences one word a...
Hybrid Convolutional Variational Autoencoder for TextGeneration paer reading Abstract In this paper we explore the effect of architectural choices on learning a variational autoencoder (VAE) for text generation. In contrast to the previously introduced VAE model for text where... ...
四篇Self-supervised VAE-based controllable text generation模型介绍,其中D-VAE是Dirichlet Variational Autoencoder for Text Modeling(Arxiv 2018),TGVAE是Topic-Guided Variational Autoencoders for Text Generation(NAACL 2019),TATGM是A Topic Augmented Text Generation Model: Joint Learning of Semantics and Stru...
为了改进 KL 迅速降到 0,提出 convolutional 和 recurrent 结合的 VAE:《A Hybrid Convolutional Variational Autoencoder for Text Generation》论文链接: 参考文献 [1] Semi-supervised sequence learning[2] Skip-thought vectors[3] Distributed representations of sentences ...
[5] Wang, W., Gan, Z., Xu, H., Zhang, R., Wang, G., Shen, D., Chen, C., and Carin, L. Topic-guided variational auto-encoder for text generation. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language ...
This repo provides the code for the ACL 2020 paper "Evidence-Aware Inferential Text Generation with Vector Quantised Variational AutoEncoder" - microsoft/EA-VQ-VAE
3. GenAgent: Build Collaborative AI Systems with Automated Workflow Generation -- Case Studies on ComfyUI 以往的大量人工智能研究主要致力于构建单一模型,以提升其智能和能力的上限。与此相反,本文探讨了一种替代方法:使用工作流集成模型、数据源和pipeline的协作AI系统,以解决复杂和多样的任务。我们引入了Gen...