VACTERL综合征 VACTERL是vertebral anomalies,anal atresia, cardiac malformation, tracheoesophageal fistula or esophageal atresia,renal anomalies, limb malformations的首字母缩略词。也就是V:椎骨畸形、A:肛门闭锁、C:心脏畸形、TE:气管食管瘘/食管闭锁、R:肾畸形、L:肢体畸形。当有三个或三个以上系统的器官受累时...
Keckler SJ, et al.VACTERL anomalies in patients with esoph- ageal atresia: an updated delineation of the spectrum and re- view of the literature. Pediatr Surg Int 2007;23(4):309-313Keckler SJ, St Peter SD, Valusek PA, Tsao K, Snyder CL, Holcomb GW III, Ostlie DJ (2007) VACTERL ...
VACTERL协会是一种由佳学基因检测进行检测与分析先天性疾病,它是由多个器官和结构的发育异常组成的综合症。VACTERL代表了不同的异常,包括脊柱畸形(Vertebral anomalies)、肛门直肠畸形(Anal atresia)、心脏缺陷(Cardiac defects)、气管食管瘘(Tracheoesophageal fistula)、肾脏异常(Renal anomalies)和肢体畸形(Limb abnormaliti...
[8]Bao Y, Wan W, Li Q, et al. MR virtual endoscopy of the fetal limb anomalies using three-dimensional fast imaging employing steady-state acquisition sequence[J]. Fetal Diagn Ther, 2021, 48(5): 333-341. DOI: 1...
◦气管-食管瘘(Tracheo-Esophgealfistula) T ° 肾脏异常(Renalanomalies) R °四肢崎形(Limbmalformation) L ◦符合2或3项发现可否诊断目前尚存在争议 •典型影像学表现:多发异常包括多个器官系统 •CNS的畸形不是此类相关的一项特征 ◦VACTERL+脑积水(VACTERL-H)被认为预后更差 ...
Diese Röntgenaufnahme zeigt Anomalien, die mit dem VACTERL (Vertebral Anomalies, Anal Atresia, Cardiac Malformations, Tracheoesophageal Fistula, Esophageal atresia, Renal Anomalies and Radial Aplasia, Limb Anomalies)-Syndrom assoziiert sind. Beachten Sie die Wirbelsegmentierungsanomalie (weiße Pfei...
Background The VACTERL association (VACTERL) includes at least three of these congenital anomalies: vertebral, anal, cardiac, trachea〆sophageal, renal, and limb anomalies. Assisted reproductive techniques (ART), pregestational diabetes mellitus, and chronic lower obstructive pulmonary disorders (CLOPD)...
VACTERL (vertebral anomalies, anal atresia, cardiac defect, tracheoesophageal fistula, renal anomaly, limb anomalies) is an association of anomalies with a wide spectrum of phenotypic expression. While the majority of cases are sporadic, there is evidence of an inherited component in a small number...
◦气管-食管瘘(Tracheo-Esophgealfistula) T ° 肾脏异常(Renalanomalies) R °四肢崎形(Limbmalformation) L ◦符合2或3项发现可否诊断目前尚存在争议 ·典型影像学表现:多发异常包括多个器官系统 ·CNS的畸形不是此类相关的一项特征 ◦VACTERL+脑积水(VACTERL-H)被认为预后更差 ...
(Urethral anomalies )尿道下裂(Hypospadias/epispadias) 腎水腫(Megauretere/hydronephrosis) 一條臍動脈(Single umbilical artery) 其他方面 低體重(Lowe Body Weight)體重增加困難(difficulty with gaining weight)不明生殖器( Ambiguous genitalia )唇裂/顎裂(Cleft lip /Cleft palate )低耳位( Low set ears )...