Since COVID-19 was confirmed as a pandemic of global proportions, in March 2020, the world has been watching with great anticipation the development of a vaccine that can put an end to a health crisis that has drastically altered people's daily lives. In the wake of ...
“As vacinas sempre foram uma prioridade global para o UNICEF, e serão ainda mais enquanto o mundo continua sua batalha contra a COVID-19. Aumentar a demanda por vacinação em comunidades no mundo todo é fundamental para salvar vidas. Nossa colaboração com o Facebook é pa...
As vacinas contra a Covid-19 no TikTok no Brasildoi:10.7764/cdi.56.63663VACCINATION complicationsVACCINE effectivenessCOVID-19 vaccinesVIDEO production & directionCONTENT analysisIn this article, we examine the production of videos about vaccines on TikTok in Brazil. By analyzing the hashtags re...
Equidade e vulnerabilidade em saúde no acesso às vacinas contra a COVID-19doi:10.26633/RPSP.2022.31BRAZILHEALTH equityHEALTH services accessibilityVACCINATIONVACCINATION coverageHEALTH policyThe present article discusses the importance of equity in health care access with a focus on the acq...
Análise das crenas sobre a adeso às vacinas contra a Covid-19 em um grupo de jovens Brasileirosdoi:10.36367/ntqr.14.2022.e614Introduction: In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to public health problems, we also highlight a scenario of in...