I am frantic about this. My local catholic church will not write a letter of exemption for his religion. Reply Kathryn December 5, 2021 at 5:20 pm Ann: , You might try this: . https://www.ncbcenter.org/ncbc-news/vaccineletter . It is a template religious exemption letter. . It...
The bill also created a religious exemption for any child whose parents or guardians present a letter stating the child cannot be vaccinated for religious reasons. That was taken out in the Senate version. During the Senate Health Committee meeting earlier thi...
“From here, it looks like she is not exempt with good rationale…” This is precisely the problem with this whole system of “exemption” game-playing BS. Don’t play their game on their terms, or they win no matter what! You’ve already been defeated if you agree to beg for an “...
I highly-recommend using CUSTOMIZED exemption language, as well, NOT a template you found online. It doesn’t matter if you’re super eloquent – we’re looking at “sincerely-held beliefs,” and your own language will be more credible, as long as it doesn’t sound copied. I also recomm...
This project is part of our COVID-19 analysis program, a nationwide study of the epidemiology of COVID-19 in Ecuador, which received an exemption letter from the UDLA’s IRB named CEISH on 10 March 2020. The current analysis included anonymized, un-identifiable information and it complies wi...