Adams did, however, provide exemptions from the COVID shots to a certain class of people living in New York City in 2022: the city’s professional ball players and those in the entertainment industry. And he provided this exemption the day after the Supreme Court, led by Trump’s “conserv...
Gaines County has one of the highest rates in Texas of school-aged children who opt out of at least one required vaccine: Nearly 14% of children from kindergarten through grade 12 had an exemption in the 2023-24 school year, which is more than ...
331 In another study, parents of children with an immunization exemption were more likely to express a low level of trust in the government, in addition to other factors such as low perceived susceptibility to and severity of vaccine-preventable diseases and low perceived efficacy and safety, ...
in response to the state Health Authority's new guidelines for fully vaccinated people, that if an "employer chooses to allow either employees or visitors to the workplace to make use of the vaccine exemption, the employer does not need to enforce the physical distancing and facial covering req...
“The lawsuit challenged the constitutionality and legality of the law repealing religious exemption to vaccination based on the First Amendment right to free exercise of religion and the U.S. Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause and, additionally, argued that the new law forces plaintiff’s to ...
At a policy level, we advocate normalizing HPV vaccination through school entry requirements with strict exemption guidelines, identical to those for other adolescent vaccines. In making the HPV vaccine a requirement for school entry, the vaccine can instead be viewed as one of the vaccines necessary...
The largely unvaccinated Amish (claiming religious exemption) had not reported a single case of measles between 1970 and December 1987, for 18 years (Sutter et all 1991), while the well-vaccinated non-Amish communities experienced regular 2-3 year epidemics in even 100% vaccinated populations. Pr...
On January 19, 2022, the final injunction (Texas) was lifted; thus, the vaccine mandate is in effect in all states. Employees and contractors in all states now require at least one vaccine or have made an exemption request. In practice,acute and non-acute provider and suppliers face uniqu...
Thefinal rule originally required healthcare workers to have at least their first shot by Dec. 6, 2021, and be fully vaccinated by Jan. 4, 2022, unless workers had medical or religious reasons for exemption. HHS estimated that the rule would impact approximately 10.3 million people...
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — The University of New Mexico is disenrolling 256 students from classes for not complying with university's requirement for vaccination against COVID-19.