Spanish / Español Select a language: vacunavacunación vaccination [ˌvæksɪˈneɪʃən]N→vacunaciónf you must have the vaccination a month before you travel→debes vacunarte unmesantes deviajar Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Coll...
Rotavirus is not included in the Spanish mass infant vaccination schedule but has also not been economically evaluated for its inclusion. We analysed cost-utility of the universal infant rotavirus vaccination using RotaTeq® versus no vaccination in Spain. We also carried out a budget impact ...
Rotavirus vaccination was introduced into the Irish national infant immunisation schedule in December 2016. The impact of vaccination was evaluated using national hospitalisation data comparing the pre-vaccination era (2010–2016) to the post-vaccination period (2017–2018). Rotavirus-attributable hospitalis...
Spanish / Español Select a language: prophylactic [ˌprɒfɪˈlæktɪk] A.ADJ→profiláctico B.N(=contraceptive) →profilácticom Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992...
14, 43 Several countries that have completed their 2-year Gavi HPV demonstration programs have indicated that they are considering implementation of an annual schedule (0 and 12 months) as their national introduction strategy (Vivien Tsu, personal written communication, December 2016).44 In addition...
Future research should address the rates at which MSM vaccinated at Gay Pride events adhered to their complete vaccination schedule (Rhodes and Diclemente 2003), as the number who received the first of the hepatitis vaccination series does not represent those who completed the series (Des Jarlais...
How can a person vaccinated in Ukraine obtain proof of COVID-19 vaccinations if he/she now resides outside of the country? 2:32 min If a person from Ukraine is residing in a country where recommended intervals between COVID-19 vaccinations differ from those in Ukraine, which schedule and ...
TVFC staff conducts yearly Immunization record audits for daycares/headstarts and public/private schools; provides technical support, ImmTrac-Texas Immunization Registry training, Immunization Schedule/Vaccine Management training to TVFC providers; conducts educational presentations, participates in different ...
These nurses typically schedule visits with families at the clinic according to a preset age dependent schedule, provide telephone counselling and allow for some on-demand visits. The provision of equitable preventive services depends on multiple structural and organizational factors. Much attention has ...
Most licensed vaccines were initially licensed for a two-dose schedule. In fact, it quickly became apparent that a single dose of mRNA vaccine did not induce durable antibody responses. nAb responses in vaccinees were reported to peak at approximately 14 days postimmunization, but only 50% actual...