SANTIAGO, 20 janvier (Xinhua) -- L'approbation pour l'utilisation d'urgence du vaccin contre le COVID-19 développé par la société chinoise Sinovac Biotech va donner un coup de fouet à la campagne de vaccination de masse au Chili, a estimé mercredi le ministre de la Santé Enrique Pari...
COVID-19 vaccination coverage among healthcare workers in obstetrics and gynecology during the first three months of vaccination campaign: a cross-sectional study in Jiangsu province, ChinaABSTRACTView further author information
👶 Il n'y a pas besoin d'interrompre ou d'éviter l'initiation de l'allaitement par les femmes vaccinées au COVID-19. Devrais-je toujours porter un masque après ma vaccination ? Oui, vous devez porter un masque. Il est toujours incertain, à ce stade, si les vaccins empêcheront...
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根据病原体的类型,疫苗可以分为两大类:(A)病毒类和(B)细菌类。更具体的分类包括减毒活疫苗,例如麻疹-腮腺炎-风疹疫苗;灭活疫苗,例如流感和甲型肝炎疫苗;亚单位疫苗,例如重组乙肝病毒表面抗原疫苗和疫苗佐剂;以及mRNA疫苗(如COVID-19疫苗)的研制。 疫苗为全人类的健康铸造了一道防线,但它同时也存在潜在的副作用...
NEW YORK - If you've received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, you should have a proof of vaccination card that was made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If you're worried about it becoming damaged, stores like Office Depot have a free solution....
A fake COVID-19 vaccination card scheme on Instagram was taken down.Credit: Nathan Howard/Getty Images It may not be surprising that an Instagram user going by the handle @AntiVaxMomma is an anti-vaccination conspiracy theorist. What may shock you, however, is that this person was raking in...
NEW YORK - If you've received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, you should have a proof of vaccination card that was made by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If you're worried about it becoming damaged, stores like Office Depot have a free solution. Once you've...
COVID-19 vaccination coverage among healthcare workers in obstetrics and gynecology during the first three months of vaccination campaign: a cross-sectional study in Jiangsu province, ChinaABSTRACTView further author information