Republicans Retain 2 Vacant House SeatsJOHN SEEWER
At game time, Hardaway was elsewhere and the Big O's seats were vacant. Scott Springer, The Enquirer, 8 Jan. 2023 All 12 school board seats — nine district and three vacant at-large slots — were on the ballot. Lauren Lumpkin, Washington Post, 8 Nov. 2023 But those stores closed...
Baker is a construction operations manager for Kikiktagruk Inupiat Corp. and chairs a regional advisory council for the Federal Subsistence Board, according to information provided by Dunleavy's office. Baker, from Kotzebue, unsuccessfully ran for state Senate in 2020....
1. (= unoccupied) [seat]→ libre, desocupado; [room]→ libre, disponible; [house]→ desocupado, vacío; [space]→ vacíois this seat vacant?→ ¿está libre (este asiento)?vacant lot (US)→ solar mvacant post→ vacante fto become or fall vacant [post]→ quedar(se) vacantesee ...
Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft implored Gov. Mike Parson to call special elections for the multiple vacant House seats “without delay.”
: not filled, used, or lived in a vacant house 2 : free from duties or care a few vacant hours 3 : showing lack of thought a vacant stare vacantly adverb Legal Definition vacant adjective va·cant 1 : not filled or occupied 2 a : not put to use vacant land b :...
The system also includes a display panel located in the lobby or near the theater or auditorium which shows which seats are occupied and which are vacant. The display panel also numerically shows the seat availability and also shows ... ...
Focuses on the increase of the Republicans' control of the US House of Congress. Consequences on the outcomes of House votes; Contests on the committee vacancies.Cohen, Richard E.National Journal
GOP Favored to Win Vacant House SeatsJOHN SEEWER
1. (= unoccupied) [seat]→ libre, desocupado; [room]→ libre, disponible; [house]→ desocupado, vacío; [space]→ vacíois this seat vacant?→ ¿está libre (este asiento)?vacant lot (US)→ solar mvacant post→ vacante fto become or fall vacant [post]→ quedar(se) vacantesee ...