本周封禁名单对上周在CS:GO中有使用第三方程序作弊、修改游戏数据等违规行为的5721个账号进行了识别打击,并对其处以永久封禁的处罚措施。 VAC封禁名单地址:https://csgo.wanmei.com/vacban/list 这些账号将被终身禁止匹配功能并永久冻结库存物品,作弊账号持有者也将终身无法再次认证新账号进入CS:GO国服。 不仅如此,...
VAC封禁名单地址:https://csgo.wanmei.com/vacban/list CS:GO官方网站和CS:GO国服启动器均可看到封禁页面,欢迎大家来看。 本周封禁名单对上周在CS:GO中有使用第三方程序作弊、修改游戏数据等违规行为的9326个账号进行了识别打击,并对其处以了永久封禁的处罚措施。
Q: How does a VAC ban or Game Ban impact the user? A: When a user is banned via either one of our anti-cheat services, the following happens: The account cannot join secure servers for the AppIDs they are banned. The ban is publicly displayed on their Steam Community profile. ...
VAC bans prevent you from playing on secured servers across all of Steam. Server administrators may issue a Server ban, but these are not as severe as a VAC ban. We cannot prevent Server bans at Valve; whoever runs the server can ban players for any reason they desire. ...
维尔福反外挂系统,简称VAC,是V社为steam平台研发的反外挂系统,在2002年随着CS一起推出。在2006年9月的一个周内,该系统检测出了超过10000次作弊行为。到2014年7月为止,超过220万的steam账户被该系统办掉,此系统现在监测着steam平台上许多游戏。 4楼2015-02-15 18:12 收起回复 ...
水一发VAC BAN..也就是说楼上这位老哥说不定真的是误ban了,也许是用了csmate saycn之类的玩意(我并不知道这种东西会不会被封。。)但是11年之前,那是一个没有CSGO的时代
Use of your Steam account isyour responsibility.使用你的STEAM账户是你的责任。VAC may not ban your...
I was not using my account when it was VAC banned. Can the ban be removed? No. Any bans added to an account will remain regardless of who was using the account at the time the infraction occurred. Ultimately, the use and security of your Steam account are your responsibility. ...
VAC封禁名单地址:https://csgo.wanmei.com/vacban/list 本周封禁名单对上周在CS:GO中有使用第三方程序作弊、修改游戏数据等违规行为的9887个账号进行了识别打击,并对其处以永久封禁的处罚措施。 这些账号将被终身禁止匹配功能并永久冻结库存物品,作弊账号持有者也将终身无法再次认证新账号进入CS:GO国服。
After the player is notified, access to online "VAC protected" servers of the game the player cheated in is permanently revoked and additional restrictions are applied to the player's Steam account.当VAC系统在玩家电脑中检测到作弊行为时,VAC过一段时间再ban掉作弊玩家,这段时间可能是在首次检测的几...