@文心快码error: 'va_start' used in function with fixed args 文心快码 1. va_start宏的用途 va_start宏用于初始化一个va_list类型的变量,这个变量在访问变长参数列表时起到关键作用。在使用va_arg宏来获取变长参数之前,必须先使用va_start宏来初始化va_list变量。va_start宏接受两个参数:一个是va_list...
def func1(*args): # *表示args是个元组 print(args) def func2(**kwargs): # **表...
() macro. Corresponding va_start() and va_end() macro calls must be in the same function. Ifvariable_nameis declared as a register, with a function or an array type, or with a type that is not compatible with the type that results after application of the default argument promotions, ...
va_argretrieves a value of type from the location given by arg_ptr and increments arg_ptr to point to the next argument in the list, using the size of type to determine where the next argument starts.va_argcan be used any number of times within the function to retrieve arguments from ...
The va_arg() macro can retrieve arguments from the list any number of times within the function. The macros also provide fixed-point decimal support under z/OS® XL C. The sizeof(xx) operator is used to determine the size and type casting that is used to generate the val...
The C standard macros, defined in STDARG.H, are used as follows: va_startsets arg_ptr to the first optional argument in the list of arguments that's passed to the function. The argument arg_ptr must have theva_listtype. The argument prev_param is the name of the required parameter tha...
Let's see the another example, here we create a function that concatenates a variable number of strings into a single result string. Open Compiler #include<stdio.h>#include<stdarg.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<string.h>char*concatenate(intcount,...){va_list args;intlength=0;// calculate ...
def func1(*args): # *表示args是个元组 print(args) def func2(**kwargs): # **表...
va_arg can be used any number of times in the function to retrieve arguments from the list. va_copy makes a copy of a list of arguments in its current state. The src parameter must already be initialized with va_start; it may have been updated with va_arg calls, but must not have ...
va_argretrieves a value oftypefrom the location that's given byarg_ptr, and incrementsarg_ptrto point to the next argument in the list by using the size oftypeto determine where the next argument starts.va_argcan be used any number of times in the function to retrieve arguments from th...