SAP Managed Tags: SAP TechEd, ABAP Development hi.. use the exit - MV45AFZZ and put your code inside FORM USEREXIT_MOVE_FIELD_TO_VBKD. For checking AUART or any field values use structure XVBAK..(if XVBAK-AUART = '..')This structure will have the value in runtime. For VBAP Va...
My problem is that schedule line data in some cases, sub assemblies for example, continues to be modified by SAP from BELEG_SICHERN after the execution of USEREXIT_SAVE_DOCUMENT_PREPARE. Since I am updating some custom fields on VBAP added via an append structure, I need to maintain the ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Shweta, you have to put your code in FORM USEREXIT_SAVE_DOCUMENT alternately you can hard cord BREAK your user id, in each exit, and run VA02 you have to do what you wants, upon saving it will stops on a particular code that is your required...
1. 实现方法 用户出口Userexit是以销售订单创建VA01以及交货单创建VL01N为代表的最早一种增强方式。打开VA01的主程序,我们可以看到标准代码中预先INCLUDE的客户出口程序,客户... :在USEREXIT出口子程序抬头上的注释2.查找方法: . 方法一:在主程序中找倒数第二个字符为Z的包含程序,如SAPMV45A中的MV45AFZZ、MV45A...
"SAPMV45A" or "MV45AFZZ" "USEREXIT_SAVE_DOCUMENT_PREPARE" The program attempted to issue a " " message during "Exit Command" processing. we find more than one thousands code in user-exit USEREXIT_SAVE_DOCUMENT_PREPARE, and there are several statement like MESSAGE ...TYPE 'E' . So, may...
USEREXIT_SAVE_DOCUMENT_PREPARE则会在订单维护(VA01和VA02)保存前调用,下面以实例来介绍出口应用。 例如:在SAP标准功能中,保存销售订单一般不会判断采购订单编码,本例中需要实现...一般相近的功能的子程序出口都会放在一个统一的INCLUDE程序中,SAP的程序执行会调用该子程序,可以通过SAP的IMG(系统配置工具)获取相关的...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Try this user exit: MV45ATZZ but you need to know the screen number and field name. code should be write like: IF ( SY-TCODE EQ 'VA02' ). LOOP AT SCREEN. IF SCREEN-GROUP1 EQ 'A1' and screen-name = 'ADRC' SCREEN-INPUT = 0. " Make the ...
增强设计规格 SD-条件屏幕上个别字段显灰 版本: Version Release Date and Time By Remarks 1.0 2006-03-08 Draft 签名: Reviewed Approved by Business Dept/Business Process Owner: Name Title Signature Date Business Dept/Business Process Owner SunSAP Project 熊海波 Project Manager 肖捷 Project Manager Loy...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Then you can use, always in MV45AFZZ the USEREXIT_READ_DOCUMENT. It's triggered when you enter a document and press enter, before showing the dynpro,and you got both VBAK and XVBAP filled. Reply Former Member In response to Former Member 2014 Nov...
Try typing (SAPMV45A)VBAP or (SAPMV45A)XVBAP in debugger and check if you have changed value. If you dont have changed value in this also , then you may have to use another user exit may be MV45AFzz to export the changed value and them import this value in your implicit enhancement...