1、关于增强的简单介绍 1.1 SMOD包含具体的增强,而CMOD是包含一组SMOD编写的增强. 1.2 User exits (Function module exits)是sap提供出口,它的命名规则如下: EXIT_<3 digit suffix> 示例: sd的VA01事务,对应的程序是SAPMV45A ,你会在程序里查到(用CALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTION字符串)如下代码: CALL CUSTOMER-FUNC...
增强(ehancement)就是指这类,出口又包括了六种不同的类型.1)function exit,2)menu exit,3)table ...
哈哈~~SAP增强,真强 Janewar 武林盟主 14 choose the table VBAP or VBAK ( depending on header or item) click on button "append Structures" . it will propose you the standard name for the table ZAVBAP or ZAVBAK add fields with prefix ZZ trans SE51 maintain user exit screens in ...
google了一下,方法是这样choose the table VBAP or VBAK ( depending on header or item)click on button "append Structures" .it will propose you the standard name for the table ZAVBAP or ZAVBAKadd fields with prefix ZZtrans SE51 maintain user exit screens in program SAPMV45A 84...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Nitin, Adding the Custom Fields comes with two different changes in Standard screen. Custom Field need to be added in Table Structure Custom Field need to be added in Table Control For Table Field: We can add the custom field in Table structure ea...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development ABAP Development Programming Tool View products (1) Hi Folks, Can we change the search help provided for the field Order(vbap-aufnr) in the table Control ALL ITEMS in VA01. 1.go to va01. 2.give the order type. 3.press enter. 4.it w...
DATA:lt_order_partners LIKE TABLE OF bapiparnr. DATA:ls_order_partners LIKE LINE OF lt_order_partners. DATA:lt_schedules_in LIKE TABLE OF bapischdl . DATA:lt_schedules_inx LIKE TABLE OF bapischdlx . DATA:ls_schedules_in LIKE bapischdl . ...
I want to add new filed in the Additional Data Tab B in tcode va03. I have included the fields in VBAK table using append structure Also I CANT modify the program SAPMV45A program and screen 8309 to add the fields I am new to this Screen exits can someone tell me how to add thes...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Extensibility Hi , I am working on an exit. I require a help from any one who can give me a sample code. My requirement is when ever i enter value in sold-to-party in VA01 transaction. I need to get a field zflag updated from knvv table to field zflag...
Reduce number of columns in the Table Hide unwanted TABs and fields from screen Add more functionality and integration File: SAPMV45A.E4001.TXT // Change sold-to party to "customer" Text F[Sold-to party] "Customer" // Identify unwanted columns and hide them by numbers or names as referen...