Jill: The drinks at the bar are more addictive, flavorful and also stronger than the ones they sell in stores. Jill:此外,酒吧里的啤酒更双倍IPA一些,而现在喝的则更加Pilsner。 Jill: And besides, the one in the bar is more of a Double IPA. This one is more of a Pilsner. Dana:请用我...
Dana: Nah, I have him on errand duty, buying the drinks for tomorrow. Jill:这话… 从酒吧老板嘴里说出来… 感觉怪怪的。 Jill: That sounds... weird, coming from the owner of a bar. Dana:咱们店里的所有酒可都是自掏腰包买来的。 Dana: Every drink from here would come out of our own ...
Stella Hoshii 是富二代, VA-11 Hall-A 的常客。她是一位 Cat Boomer,也是 Sei 的挚友。 Stella appears to be an average-sized girl with fair skin and red hair, styled into flashy drills. Although her breasts appear to be fairly average-sized for her height,
Streaming-chan: No hot, shirtless guy playing with fire and serving drinks while flirting with you? Streaming-chan:没有X【屏~蔽~_(:з」∠)_】感迷人,衣着【屏~蔽~_(:з」∠)_】B【屏~蔽~_(:з」∠)_】露的妙龄女子R【屏~蔽~_(:з」∠)_】摇全场? Streaming-chan: No sexy, sca...
【VA-11 Hall-A】赛博朋克酒保行动剧情文本——第四天(1) 尘封之言 Jill:你这么一说我突然想问,你在看电影或做类似事情的时候,是怎么处理直播的? Jill: Now that I think about it, how do you handle the stream if you want to watch a movie or something?
Dorothy: That's a secret I'll keep with me~ Jill:有道理。 Jill: Fair enough. Dorothy:我还以为你会一点都不情愿说出自己的年龄呢。为什么你这么痛快? Dorothy: I expected you to get all uncomfortable talking about your age though. Why didn't you? Jill:在见识过最近发生的这些危险的事情之后,你...
Something Cold & Alcoholic (serving a Flaming Moai will make her complain, but you still get a flawless service bonus in the end) Something Sweet December 28 (Day 16) Bad Touch Brandtini Beer December 29 (Day 17) She will only come if you do not complete the requirements for Secret Clien...
Stella Hoshii 是富家千金、 VA-11 Hall-A 的常客之一。她是一位 Cat Boomer(“猫潮一代”,这里就遵循游戏不翻译了),也是 Sei 的挚友。 外表———Stella 身高中等,皮肤白皙,一头醒目的绯色钻头卷发格外惹眼,身着鲜红的皮质连衣裙与黑色的保暖套袖,脖子上佩戴着一条银色的十字架项链。虽说Stella 的胸部看起来...
Dana: I offered him a drink, but he said he didn't have money on him. Dana:我……不能就那么把他抛下不管,所以就请他喝了几杯。 Dana: I... couldn't leave him alone, so I pretty much gave the drinks for free. Dana:喝了两杯之后,他开始失声痛哭。
Dana: Nah, I have him on errand duty, buying the drinks for tomorrow. Jill:这话… 从酒吧老板嘴里说出来… 感觉怪怪的。 Jill: That sounds... weird, coming from the owner of a bar. Dana:咱们店里的所有酒可都是自掏腰包买来的。