Veterans who have mesothelioma deserve support to access the benefits available to them. We encourage you to reach out to a VA-accredited claims agent. They can guide you through the claim process and help you get the assistance you need. “I’m an ex-Marine, and I’ve already beaten the...
VA Claims Process May Hurt Older VetsWhile the new Department of Veterans Affairs claims process usesforms that are simpler than...Bowling, Brian
The Rep for Vets has been assisting veterans increase their VA disability rating by assisting them with the VA claims process for decades.
When Congress wrote the sweeping veterans toxic exposure legislation, they included a staggered timeline over the next three years for VA officials to phase in all of those claims, because of their potential to overwhelm staff. For example, officials have estimated that the ...
BVA warns of lack of 'stretch in the system' DOES the UK have enough vets to cope with 'another 2001'? That was the question posed by outgoing BVA senior vice president Simon Doherty during his appearance before parliament's Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee on 15 Septe... J ...
Veterans Groups Say Claims Process Helps VA, Hurts VetsHines, Doris JohnsonDreyer, Lauren JSchlesinger, Benjamin R
Better trained and educated service officers and more aggressive outreach by VA have led to an...Dyhouse, Tim
Facing High Denial Rates for VA Claims, 3 Gulf Vets InterveneA GAO report disclosed that the VA denies more than 80 percent of veterans' claims for Gulf War-associated illnesses.Marty Callaghan
Barber, Barrie
The 51-year-old, who has been out of the service for almost 30 years, said the process cost her a few hundred dollars and just a few months of waiting. She said she will recommend the process to friends and clients interested in getting help with their claims. Veterans advocates say it...