Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) under a reorganization of its vision rehabilitation services. According to VA Secretary Jim Nicholson, the new plan can provide all eligible visually impaired veterans with world-class health care closer to their homes....
While most previous research has looked atwomenvets who use VA services, University of Massachusetts Amherst epidemiology researcher Elizabeth Evans, along with researchers from the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System and UCLA's Geffen School of Medicine, focused on women vets who sought all or...
Advocates are pushing a boost in VA discretionary funding to expand health care services for elderly vets and improve aging buildings. ByLeo Shane III But he also promised to look for additional improvements to the claims process if he is confirmed to the VBA leadership post. “We ...
This support can also include health care services and monthly payments to help you during this time. It’s worth exploring these options to see how they can assist you. As the surviving spouse of a veteran, you might be eligible for some helpful benefits. One such benefit is called ...
The advocates said federal and community resources need to better tailor their support services to individual groups’ needs. For example, caregivers of veterans under 60 were more interested in finding joint activities to conduct with their injured loved ones. Caregivers of veterans over ...
The VA’s Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC) is Expanding, Extended VA Benefits for Caregivers of Vietnam Vets. Learn More.
And never ignore the signs of elder abuse in a stranger. Take immediate action as if he or she were your family. Our vets deserve better and, if we sweep the abuse issues plaguing this demographic under the rug, each of us or a loved one could one day be next in line for abuse. ... What Our Veterans are Saying At the time I had been a certified DAV Chapter Service Office for over 6 years having helped a list of veterans achieve great success on their claim. After 2 appeal denials I chose Goodman Allen Donnelly from a recommend Veteran’s Attor...
The Rep for Vets has been assisting veterans increase their VA disability rating by assisting them with the VA claims process for decades.
The United States has more than 2 million women veterans today, and the number of women using VA health services has more than tripled over the last 20 years. But numerous outside groups have criticized VA officials for being too slow to react...