I never would have got my rating if it wasn’t for her. Great Ann knowledgeable people. Thank you ProVet. K Kenneth P. I got referred to Rebecca by a friend. The whole process was very easy and you can tell she really cares about helping you. She also kept up with updates ...
The publication,PTSD Compensation and Military Service,7examined the VA's compensation practices for PTSD, including the criteria for establishing severity of PTSD as published in the Schedule for Rating Disabilities. The 2007 report cites a 2005 VA Office of the Inspector General report, whi...
Generally, in claims for SC, for medical evidence of record to be considered adequate for rating purposes, the evidence must include sufficient details to establish both SC and the current level of disability. If the evidence of record includes information sufficient to grant SC, but there is a...
Washington Navy Yard gunman Aaron Alexis twice visited U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers to seek treatment for insomnia but, when asked by doctors, he denied having thoughts about harming himself or others, the department said Wednesday. ...
COMPASSgoalwill recruit 110 participants with residual executive dysfunction three months or more post-injury. Inclusion criteria combine both clinical diagnosis and standardized scores that are >1 SD from the normative score on the Frontal Systems Rating Scale. Participants are randomized into two groups...
(Inventory of Neppe of Symptoms of Epilepsy and the Temporal Lobe), the STRAW (the first time / severity measure for tardive dyskinesia), a geriatric inpatient instrument namely The PBRS (with JP Loebel) (The Problem Behaviors Rating Scale) as well as research Subjective Paranormal Questionnaires...