VA Reverses Decision on Agent Orange ExposureVogel, Steve
Disability benefits are available for service-related asbestos diseases. Get answers for common questions related to VA claims & filing for benefits.
Exposure to Agent Orange If you have been exposed to Agent Orange or certain other herbicides during your time in the military, you may be eligible for disability compensation. About Alan Watt VA Accredited Claims Agent My name is Alan Watt and I am a VA Accredited Claims Agent; a claims ...
Cases We Fight For AtGang & Associateswe focus on complex claims and appeals regarding veterans’ benefits, increased ratings, Agent Orange and toxic exposure, burn pits, Gulf War Syndrome, TDIU, service-connection, psychiatric disability, PTSD, TDIU, TBI, and DIC benefits. ...
This is the maximum rating you can get. Casey advised me and I followed his advice to my benefit. Casey knew the right documentation the VA requires to qualify.” “If you are in need of assistance for your VA claim definitely hire Casey Walker. He’s an outstanding lawyer! He’s ...
of Appeals for Veterans Claims. You successfully got my case remanded back to the Board, where they eventually gave me a decision for my hip condition and an overall rating that I’m happy with. You and your team got the Regional office to implement the Board’s decision. Thank you all....
The Rep for Vets has been assisting veterans increase their VA disability rating by assisting them with the VA claims process for decades.
The VA has long struggled to cope with disability claims. The backlog had intensified in recent years as more solders returned from Iraq and Afghanistan, and as the VA made it easier for Vietnam-era veterans to get disability compensation stemming from exposure to Agent Orange. ...
Myth: If I’m awarded a VA disability rating, I will have to use the VA medical system for health care.The VA doesn’t require veterans to enroll in the VA health care system if they are eligible for health care. You also aren’t required to use the VA medical system if you do ...
Increased Rating Other Are you currently working?(Required) Yes No Tell us about your claim. 0 of 3000 max characters This communication with the firm or any member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent throug...