The excellent research work and tying together the pertinent facts to bring forth to the judges, lead to my winning my case, which I had almost lost hope of accomplishing. I also appreciate the close contact with David Boelzner, who was available if I needed answers to my questions, of ...
After they’ve completed the evaluation, they’ll determine a rating for you. If you have more than one injury, you’ll get a combined rating – which is a highly misunderstood process that I’ll explain here: Let’s say that you, like me, injured your back and your ankle, and have ...
A formative evaluation oftwo evidence-based psychotherapies for PTSD in VA residential treatment programs. Journal ofTraumatic Stress, 26, 56-63.Cook JM, O'Donnell C, Bernardy N, Rosenheck R, Hoff R (2013) A formative evaluation of two evidence-based psychotherapies for PTSD in VA residential...
Winning approval for military service-connected injuries and illnesses can be achallenging process. Be confident that you’re getting the compensation that you medically, legally, and ethically qualify for. Answer a fewquick questionsto get the most accurate veteran disability rating that your condition...
Dr. Finnerty wrote a book to help answer your questions on Sleep Apnea Secondary to PTSD. You can purchase it or read it for free with a free trial of Kindle Unlimited at Amazon. The book isSleep Apnea secondary to PTSD: Nexus letters for Veterans’ VA disability claims. ...
Let’s say you have a knee injury that warrants a 30% disability rating when you complete your initial VA evaluation. After five years, the VA can not reduce this rating below 30% unless they can prove the injury has healed on a sustained basis. If it has improved to the point it war...
The Million Veteran Program 1990–1991 Gulf War Era Survey: An evaluation of veteran response, characteristics, and representativeness of the Gulf War Era veteran population IJERPH 2024;21(1):72. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; U.S. Department of Defense. Combined Analysis of the VA ...
Complicating the disability rating process is its non-linear nature. That is, the Board of Veterans' Appeals (BVA) does not have to render a decision. Rather, it can return the case to the regional office for “further development” or for evaluation on an individual basis. VCS plai...
The severity of TBI will be determined by the DC VAMC attending clinician using the VHA TBI Comprehensive Evaluation electronic template, questions 6–8 [67]. Prior diagnosis by the attending physician through the electronic template will be confirmed through a review of medical records or an inter...
In this study, we use administrative evaluation data to address two questions with regard to the women who have been seeking treatment from VA’s specialized outpatient PTSD programs: =-=(1)-=- How similar or dissimilar are women from the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and women from previous ...