Alas, after that useful setup, the payoff is rather a dud: While small positive incentives such as free doughnuts or entries intostatewide lottery programsmay have motivated some people, those and similar methodsdon’t seem to motivate people to get vaccinatedon a scale large enough to close th...
*Kira* Miki:他们不再是护士,上班族,也不再是售货员。 *Kira* Miki: They're not a nurse, an office worker, or a store clerk. *Kira* Miki:在那4小时中,他们只是为见偶像一面而涌来的人群中的一员。 *Kira* Miki: For those 4 hours, they're just part of the mass that goes to see an...
*Kira* Miki:他们不再是护士,上班族,也不再是售货员。 *Kira* Miki: They're not a nurse, an office worker, or a store clerk. *Kira* Miki:在那4小时中,他们只是为见偶像一面而涌来的人群中的一员。 *Kira* Miki: For those 4 hours, they're just part of the mass that goes to see an...