If Veterans need a mental health diagnosis or are filing for a rating increase for PTSD or other psychological conditions, they can attend a telehealth exam and get a diagnosis, records review, nexus/ medical opinion and DBQ for $1,500 total. Dr. Todd Finnertyis a psychologist and disability...
Complicating the disability rating process is its non-linear nature. That is, the Board of Veterans' Appeals (BVA) does not have to render a decision. Rather, it can return the case to the regional office for “further development” or for evaluation on an individual basis. VCS pla...
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a direct cause of long-term cognitive disability in returning United States (U.S.) veterans [2]. TBI is also an established risk factor for psychological health and community re-integration [3,4]. Studies emphasize the dramatic effects of neurological injuries a...