VA Home Loan Affordability Calculator. Estimate your loan preapproval amount based on your income and expenses. Try it now!
VA Home Loans, which are backed by the Department of Veterans Affairs, are among the best options for veterans looking to purchase or refinance a home. They offer severaladvantages over conventional mortgages, including lower interest rates and 0% down payments. But most buyers have to pay a f...
Has been declared missing in action. Has been declared a prisoner of war. Died while in service or from a service-connected disability, and the spouse has not remarried.Full eligibility details can be found on the VA’s page on home loan programs for surviving spouses....
The biggest drawback to VA mortgage is that you're required to pay an upfront funding fee that's calculated based on a percentage of the loan amount. The fee varies depending on several factors, including the size of your down payment, but it is waived if you...
The biggest drawback to VA mortgage is that you're required to pay an upfront funding fee that's calculated based on a percentage of the loan amount. The fee varies depending on several factors, including the size of your down payment, but it is waived if you receive VA disability compen...