16. DBQ:残疾评估表(Disability Benefits Questionnaire) 17. MST Coordinator:军事性创伤协调员 18. CRRC:退伍军人资源,协调与评估中心(Community Resource and Referral Center) 19. VLER:退伍军人医疗互操作性与数据交换(Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record) 20. PCA:易化授权(Patient-Centered Advocacy) 这些是只是...
4. Disability Benefits Questionnaire (DBQ): If you need help completing a DBQ to support your claim, we can assist in connecting you with a trusted private doctor in your area who is experienced in VA claims. 5. Rating Reductions:
PTSDVeterans Affairs (VACompensation and pension (C&P) examinationDisability Benefits Questionnaire (DBQDespite being one of the most common forensic mental health evaluations, no article has ever appeared in a peer-reviewed journal describing how to conduct US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) ...
Dr. Finnerty does schedule a very limited number of exams for DBQ’s on mental health disability claims (exams cost $1,500 total with the records review and DBQ included in that price).Please do not schedule an exam without first receiving permission from Dr. Finnerty to schedule (such as ...