The Rep for Vets has been assisting veterans increase their VA disability rating by assisting them with the VA claims process for decades.
Generally, in claims for SC, for medical evidence of record to be considered adequate for rating purposes, the evidence must include sufficient details to establish both SC and the current level of disability. If the evidence of record includes information sufficient to grant SC, but there is a...
Complicating the disability rating process is its non-linear nature. That is, the Board of Veterans' Appeals (BVA) does not have to render a decision. Rather, it can return the case to the regional office for “further development” or for evaluation on an individual basis. VCS pla...
In the Community Participation through Self-efficacy Skills Development: COMPASSgoalstudy, we consider function and disability, as well as activity and participation (including employment), based upon the widely used ICF framework [60] developed under the auspices of the World Health Organization. Throu...
• His range of case expertise is broad: He prefers civil, competence and disability work compared with criminal work. • He has been retained repetitively by plaintiff and defense. • He will express the real opinion he thinks, and what may need to be done. This is extremely useful...