Any injury that resulted from service, and which leaves a veteran in chronic pain, or without the full use of a part of his or her body, can be rated by the VA for disability – so long as the veteran has an honorable discharge or a general under other than honorable circumstances. Th...
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Interim Evaluation of the "Zhanxin Project”: VA was invited to conduct an interim evaluation of the "Zhanxin Project - Promotion of Integrated Employment of IDD Population" for Rongairongle. The evaluation analyzed the design, implementation and management of the program, summarized the achievements...
Before Covid-19, workplace vaccine mandates for adults were on a state-by-state basis and primarily focused on hepatitis B and influenza vaccination in health care settings, often allowing some accommodation for disability or religious beliefs.10 Under a scenario of full FDA approval for Covid...
Effect of Mobilization with Movement on Pain, Disability, and Range of Motion in Patients with Shoulder Pain and Movement Impairment: A Systematic Review a... Background: Shoulder pain is a disabling musculoskeletal disorder worldwide. Thus, it is important to identify interventions able to improve...
Background: Non-specific neck pain (NNP) affects 30–50% of the general population, and it often leads to severe disability. Several manual therapy techniques are available to reduce pain and disability and to improve cervical range of motion and functional activities. Muscle Energy Technique (MET...