Using U.S. Department of Labor data, the SSA announced the COLA rate for 2025 will be 2.5%. The rate increase means you’ll receive more money, but at a lower rate of increase than previous years. The biggest reason for that is because inflation is cooling nationwide. The 2022-2024 ra...
31 Oct 2023 Developer comments: The added projectile speed to Micro Missiles helps improve their consistency at medium range while the decreased movement speed penalty on Fusion Cannons enable D.Va to stick closer to mobile targets, making her more of a threat when diving into the enemy team. ...
trace id 9c01f8 inet trace_debug trace_pre rule ip daddr tcp dport 1222 tcp flags syn limit rate 6/minute meta nftrace set 1 (verdict continue) 这就是刚添加的跟踪规则。这里显示的第一条规则总是激活报文跟踪的规则。如果在这之前还有其他规则,它们将不会在这里显示。如果没有任何跟踪...
新建一个family为ip(也就是作用于ipv4地址族)的表, 表名为tb0。 nft list tables #列出所有表,这里可以看见刚刚建立的表tb0,注意tables是复数。 nft add chain ip tb0 ch0_input '{type filter hook input priority 0; policy accept; }' #创建链(用来容纳多条规则)。在tb0表下创建链名为ch0_input的...