Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC) Concurrent Retirement Disability Pay (CRDP)is also referred to as Concurrent Receipt. CRDP was passed in 2004 and applies to military retirees who have a combined VA disability rating of 50% or greater. Military retirees who have a service-connected disa...
How Disability Rates Are Determined Can VA Reduce Your Disability Rating? Add Dependents to Disability Claim VA Disability & Retirement Pay Concurrent Receipt Combat Related Special Compensation Discounts Military Discounts Guide Veterans Day – Free Meals Military Discounts Category Military Travel Discount...
Everyone in the military, or in a military family, knows someone who got a disability rating when they got out of the service. I know several – and not all of them are guys who have even deployed, much less seen combat. Working as a soldier, sailor, airman or Marine is plain dangero...
To qualify for VA benefits, you must prove that your service in the military causes your current disability. Some connections may be simple, such as breaking your arm during combat from which you never truly healed. Others may not be as simple to prove, such as a back injury caused by th...
Additionally, it’s important to show that the veteran’s passing was due to a service-related disability, such as mesothelioma from military asbestos exposure. Understanding the requirements for filing a claim is essential. Who Is Eligible for Veterans Benefits? To make the most of your VA bene...
, veterans are potentially eligible for a veterans disability tax refund on taxes paid based on the old rate. Generally, this applies if the determination is retroactive or if the veteran is granted Combat-Related Special Compensation following an award of Concurrent Retirement and Disability Pay....
VA service-connected disability compensation rates jumped 2.5% in 2025, according to the Social Security Administration. Check out the VA disability compensation rate tables below. Types of Military Discharges – Understanding the Difference There are many types of military discharges, including an honora...
VA service-connected disability compensation rates jumped 2.5% in 2025, according to the Social Security Administration. Check out the VA disability compensation rate tables below. Types of Military Discharges – Understanding the Difference There are many types of military discharges, including an honora...
Survivor Benefits for Spouses and Children of Deceased Veterans and Service Members VA Pension for Retired Veterans What Is Combat-Related Special Compensation? Updated June 13, 2023 Was this helpful? Yes No In This Article What Are the Totally Disabled Veteran Qualifications? 100% Disabled Veterans...
If you are a veteran suffering from mesothelioma or other asbestos-related illnesses, like lung cancer, you may be able to access multiple compensation options. These include: VA Disability Compensation The VA offers disability compensation to former service members, including those diagnosed with mesot...