Va. Tech Freshman Dahman McKinnon Charged with Felony Hit and Run (Posted 2013-01-28 20:40:37)Giannotto, Mark
successfully prevented prosecutions and indictments in serious felony cases, including rape, embezzlement, and hit-and-run, while also securing significant charge reductions for numerous clients. Revered by her attorney peers, Ms. Medvin is recognized for her innovative arguments and compelling pleading...
Pfizer pleaded guilty to the felony of marketing four drugs including Bextra “with the intent to defraud or mislead.” They were forced to withdraw their arthritis painkiller Bextra in the USA and EU for causing heart attacks, strokes, and serious skin disease. Clearly in a move to boost rev...
The answer is yes. Virginia code section 46.2-706 requires all registered vehicles in Virginia to have a liability policy through an insurance company licensed to do business in Virginia. If there is a termination or cancellation of the policy, the driver must either reinsure the vehicle, deacti...