compared to a $2500 maximum fine and 6 points that could have resulted from a reckless driving conviction. Mr. Krischer assisted me in avoiding the professional repercussions a reckless driving misdemeanor conviction might have caused by convincing the prosecutor that my driving behavior was clearly ...
As a criminal justice attorney, John Greenside focuses his practice on traffic and DUI defense as well as a select variety of misdemeanor and felony cases. He also represents people throughout the Virginia Beach area in matters of wills, trusts, powers of attorneys, advanced directives, and ...
You may be charged with petit larceny, which is a misdemeanor, or with grand larceny, which is a felony offense. Petit larceny is defined in Virginia Code Section 18.2-96 as the theft of items valued up to $200. Potential penalties include up to a year of jail time and up to a $2...
In Virginia, domestic assault is a class 1 misdemeanor that carries a prison sentence of up to 12 months and a fine of up to $2,500. When a defendant has three or more convictions for domestic assault and battery, family abuse, or another similar crime, and the convictions occurred within...
Under VA Code §18.2-271.1, operating or driving a motor vehicle in violation of the terms of your restricted license is a Class 1 misdemeanor criminal offense.
2. Commits simple larceny not from the person of another of goods and chattels of the value of less than $1000, except as provided in subdivision (iii) of § 18.2-95, shall be deemed guilty of petit larceny, which shall be punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor.[Note: Class 1 Misdemeanor...
In Virginia it’s more than a traffic infraction, it’s a criminal offense, a class one misdemeanor. As a criminal offense, a conviction remains on a person’s record for life. The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles assesses Virginia drivers 6 demerit points for a reckless driving convictio...