If you have been exposed to Agent Orange or certain other herbicides during your time in the military, you may be eligible for disability compensation. About Alan Watt VA Accredited Claims Agent My name is Alan Watt and I am a VA Accredited Claims Agent; a claims professional advocating on ...
At VA Disability Group, our veterans’ benefits and claims attorneys can help with disability compensation & pension, discharge upgrades and more! Free Consultations!
The Rep for Vets has been assisting veterans increase their VA disability rating by assisting them with the VA claims process for decades.
Disability Claims Effort Is Improving, VA SaysVogel, Steve
The VA allows veterans to work with a lawyer or advocate who can help them gather documentation, create a claims package, and guide them through the filing process.See if you qualify for VA benefits.Key Information Monthly Benefits: Benefits can include thousands of dollars to help pay for ...
VA claims allow veterans to access disability compensation, which provides monetary aid to those with mesothelioma and other asbestos-related cancers and conditions. Disability compensation is tax-free and usually paid monthly. 20+ years Combined experience our VA-accredited claims agents at The Mesothel...
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has reduced its disability claims backlog, but the department still needs to do more to ensure such claims are processed in a timely manner, said senators during a December 11 hearing of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. During the hearing, ...
VA disability claims can indeed take a long time to be processed. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make a claim. Your claim will be processed more quickly if you double-check your claim for completion and accuracy before submitting it for review....
VA Disability Benefits: FAQs About Asbestos Claims Veterans who served full-time are eligible for VA benefits. The VA automatically accepts asbestosis and mesothelioma as the result of asbestos exposure, but there are specific VA forms that must be submitted. The Mesothelioma Center helps veterans ...
If you contracted Covid-19 on active-duty orders and continue to experience the virus’s effects, you can apply for VA disability benefits. In an email, a spokeswoman for the VA claims department said the VA will consider disability claims from military members and veterans who: ...