Regional variation in quality of heart failure care: VA versus medicaredoi:10.1016/S0735-1097(03)82866-8Paul Heidenreich and Anita Deswal and Nelda WrayJournal of the American College of Cardiology
Veterans and their families who aren't enrolled in a VA-backed health plan may still have qualifying coverage. Nearly all employer-sponsored health plans meet the Affordable Care Act's standards for minimum essential coverage, as do government programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and th...
Get to know the symptoms of hernias and when you should seek further medical care. Claire WoltersFeb. 7, 2025 Changing Medicare Supplements These are the steps you need to take to change your Medicare supplement plan. Vanessa Caceres Feb. 7, 2025 Find out how to spot the worst Medicare ...
Costs for non-VA care were determined from Medicare or billing data. Mean life-years were 1.78 in the endovascular and 1.74 in the open repair group (P=0.29), and mean QALYs were 1.462 in the endovascular and 1.461 in the open group (P=0.78). Although graft costs were higher in the ...
a Must require skilled or long term nursing home care as defined by the VA, MedQuest, or Medicare as certified by a physician; 必须要求熟练或长的期限疗养院护理如是由VA、MedQuest或者医疗保障定义的如由医师证明;[translate]
Fragmentation of health care across systems can contribute to mistakes in prescribing and filling medications among patients treated for myocardial infarction (MI). We sought to compare omissions, duplications, and delays in outpatient medications used for secondary prevention among veterans treated for MI...
Healthcare spending in the United States is substantially greater than in other industrialized nations.[1]Although pharmaceutical costs are only a portion of the total, they represent the second largest cost component after hospital inpatient care, accounting for approximately 20% of all direct medical...
VA.7VA’s own published access measures, however, indicate that although patients express high levels of satisfaction with their primary care physicians and overall outpatient care, an average of only between 40 and 60% of patients report that that they can always obtain urgent or routine care wh...
• Medicare / Medicaid Elder care planning is very complicated. “Information” does NOT equal “knowledge.” Information is extensive and available at your fingertips – in libraries and on the Internet. But competent working knowledge takes years of hands-on experience, and this is exactly wh...
(3) The third health outcome indicates if veterans reported that a doctor or other healthcare provider had ever told them they have GWI (Dx-GWI), coded as yes vs. no. Analytic variables: Deployment characteristics Deployment characteristics of interest included veteran-reported locations and ...