As the surviving spouse of a veteran, you might be eligible for some helpful benefits. One such benefit is called dependency and indemnity compensation, or DIC. This support is available if your spouse passed away because of a service-related disability. We encourage you to explore these options...
Please provide a brief description if you have a claim involving veteran disability benefits. If you have a copy of the VA decision that you’re dissatisfied with, please feel free to upload it below. This is optional, but it can be helpful. ...
It notes that VA's Benefits Improvement Act of 2008 directed the GAO to study the DIC program and the levels of payments. It mentions that the study discloses the extent of VA's disability compensation for active and non-active military pay lost due to death and service member.Bertoni...
To make general VA disability claims in NJ, service members need to fill out an Application for Disability Compensation and Related Compensation Benefits (VA Form 21-526EZ).An Application for DIC, Death Pension, and/or Accrued Benefits (VA Form 21-534EZ) is needed to apply for Dependency ...
If a veteran was not receiving VA compensation, a surviving spouse may apply for DIC. They must submit information documenting the service-related asbestos exposure. VA Aid and Attendance Benefits Also known as Special Monthly Compensation, this benefit is paid to veterans who are housebound, ...
Family Members: Family members have various survivor benefits they may qualify for, such as Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC), the VA Survivors Pension, burial benefits, and more. Additional Compensation: Veterans and family members may be eligible for additional compensation through lawsuits...
Eligible borrowers who receive DIC benefits must fill out a Request for Determination of Loan Guarantee Eligibility and receive a copy of the veteran’s DD-214. Military spouses not receiving DIC benefits, you’ll need to provide the VA with the following documents: ...
SUMMARY OF VA BENEFITS EDUCATI ON AND TRAI NI NG VA pays bene ts to eligible Servicemembers and Veterans pursuing an approved education or training program. There are our primary VA education bene t programs that cover Active Duty, National Guard, ...
Contact the VA for more information aboutenrolling in the VA health care program, your priority rating, and additional information. Financial Benefits The monthly disability compensation adds up over time. Having a VA disability rating may also make you eligible for hiring preferences at certain local...
The surviving spouse and dependent children of a veteran who passes away due to service-connected mesothelioma may be eligible to receiveeducation benefitsthrough the VA’s Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance program. This program provides monthly benefits to help cover the cost of colle...