【折扣精选】VA-11 Hall-A 更新官方中文,并迎来史低折扣 关注“indienova”,挖掘独立游戏的更多乐趣 VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action 新史低,此前最低价格为32元,间隔了两个月左右 【游戏类型】:赛博朋克,酒保,科幻,剧情丰富,优质原声音乐,反乌托邦 【游戏简介】:本月刚刚更新了官方中文,...
#Steam每日特惠#《VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action》33%off/32元(史低31元),支持简体中文。游戏介绍:《VA-11 HALL-A:Cyberpunk Bartender Action》是一款关于waifu,科技及后-反乌托邦生活,以灌醉顾客为宗旨的调酒师模拟游戏。你是VA-11 HALL-A(昵称为“Valhalla”)的一位调酒师,这家位于闹市区...
说起赛博朋克,读者估计会想起来各种标志性的设定,似乎永远昏暗和下雨的街道,高楼大厦之下的贫民窟,发达的网络技术,义体化的人。VA-11 Hall-A:Cyberpunk Bartender Action瓦尔哈拉:赛博朋克酒保行动(以下简称v11),作为一部赛博朋克背景游戏,以一个调酒师听顾客讲故事的方式,讲述了一段轻松休闲的故事。下面来介绍一下...
VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action Global player ratings 4.85Average rating 4.85 stars out of five stars from 1052 ratings 1052 ratings 91% 5% 2% 0% 1% Game and Legal Info Welcome to VA-11 Hall-A! In this world, corporations reign supreme, all human life is infected with nanomach...
VA-11 HALL-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action is a booze em' up about waifus, technology, and post-dystopia life. In this world, corporations reign supreme, all human life is infected with nanomachines designed to oppress them, and the terrifying White Knights ensure that everyone obeys the laws...
VA-11 Hall-A_ Cyberpunk Bartender Action 2025-02-09 00-26-56 左藍 13 0 波比的游戏时间 : 第五章 - 首次游戏实机玩法 (亨吉回来了) 77i_琪 4.6万 195 Silent Hill 2 2024-12-14 17-53-21 左藍 17 0 银翼杀手 - 暗夜悖论 - 8小时赛博朋克氛围音乐 _OM-陈辰尘_ 1373 0 开放世界游戏...
Of the 144002 characters on Anime Characters Database, 23 are from the visual novel VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action.
VA-11 Hall-A Cyberpunk Bartender Action Chapter2:Amarga 33 -- 2:10:41 App VA-11 Hall-A Cyberpunk Bartender Action Chapter3 Dulce 20.8万 1973 26:35 App 三胞胎在医院找异常,一碰到鬼就随机坑个人当炮灰!异常医院 129 -- 4:09:27 App 【养老农场】星露谷物语01 被自己的铸币操作气死!!! 83...
There is a lot to dig while playing VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action. The writing, music and visuals create an awesome cyberpunk atmosphere which pulls you into this podunk bar. The problems crop up when players are forced to interact with the gameplay portions, brainlessly mixing ...