_BitScanForward64 IPF, x64 Header file<intrin.h> Example // BitScanForward.cpp // compile with: /EHsc #include <iostream> #include <intrin.h> using namespace std; #pragma intrinsic(_BitScanForward) int main() { unsigned long mask = 0x1000; unsigned long index; unsigned char isNonzero...
HRESULT ForwardScan( double dblSpeed ); ParametersdblSpeed [in] Scan speed multiplier. A value of 1 will cause play to resume at normal speed and a value of 0 will cause play to proceed by a single step. For other values of dblSpeed, the actual player behavior is dependent upon the ca...
HRESULT ForwardScan(doubledwSpeed); Parameters dwSpeed [in] Value that specifies how quickly DirectShow will search through the media file. This value is a multiplier, where 1.0 is the authored speed, so a value of 2.5 will search forward at two and one-half times the authored speed, while...
IDVDUserOperation::ForwardScan (Windows CE 5.0)项目 2012/09/14 Send FeedbackThis method performs scan play at the specified speed.复制 HRESULT ForwardScan(double dblSpeed); ParametersdblSpeed [in] Scan speed multiplier. A value of 1 will cause play to resume at normal speed and a value ...
Scanning strip light copier using forward and reverse scan - has V shaped mirror to rectify image on reverse scan keeping same length of light pathOne copy is made as the strip light (6) scans from right to left (5), and a second as it scans from left to right (7). The second ...
摘要 M-Scan是一个专门针对数学教学实践开发的测评工具,集中体现了共同核心州数学课程标准和学校数学教育的标准与原则.本文分析M-Scan开发的背景,理论基础,基本原理及框架,可以客观地监测和评价教学质量,进一步促进教学质量提升,同时为教... 关键词...
摘要: 应用复合国际诊断问卷(Composite International Di8gnostic Interview简称CIDI),测试了48例抑郁症的效度满意,说明ICD-10及DSM—Ⅱ—R对抑郁症诊断标准适于我国应用,CIDI做为诊断性检查工具之一,值得推广.关键词:CIDI 抑郁症 心理评估...
Scanning strip light copier using forward and reverse scan - has V shaped mirror to rectify image on reverse scan keeping same length of light pathOne copy is made as the strip light (6) scans from right to left (5), and a second as it scans from left to right (7). The second ...
Hepatocellular carcinoma surveillance: is risk stratification the way forward? (Journal Scan)G. AithalR.F.A. LoganI.D. PenmanS.P.L. Travis
unsigned char _BitScanForward( unsigned long * Index, unsigned long Mask ); unsigned char_BitScanForward64( unsigned long * Index, unsigned __int64 Mask ); Parameters[out] Index Loaded with the bit position of the first set bit (1) found. [in] Mask The 32-bit or 64-bit value to se...