1、 您的工作内容: 负责饮片调剂审方复核;对顾客进行用药安全指导;负责中药饮片来自BOSS直聘请货,来货验收;按照质量管理的要求,整理饮片库房。 2、 期望您的经历: 中专以上学历,医药相关专业,有中药师/士资格证;两年以上中药调剂工作经验;能够熟练辨识常见中草药。家住顺义附近优先考虑。
申请(专利权)人: MEMOREX MINI DISC DRIVE CORP 发明人:JS Sukotsuto,RA Matsukurua 摘要: A method is described for improving the air flow over the surfaces of magnetic recording discs in a disc drive having a plurality of rotatingly driven such discs each having adiameter of less than nine ...