Specifications ModelOceanStor 2600 V5 ProcessorMulti-core processors System cache32 GB to 512 GB Maximum number of controllers8 Supported storage protocolsFibre Channel, iSCSI, NFS, CIFS, HTTP, and FTP Front-end ports8, 16, or 32 Gbit/s FC and 1, 10, or 25 Gbit/s Ethernet ...
OceanStor 2600 V5 Intelligent Hybrid Flash Storage SystemOceanStor 2600 V5 is a next-generation, entry-level, intelligent hybrid flash storage system designed for developing businesses and branches of large enterprises. It is equipped with a premium hardware platform that runs powerful convergence ...
aat=metric(anchors)print(f'anchors/target ={aat:.2f}, Best Possible Recall (BPR) ={bpr:.4f}',end='')ifbpr<0.98:# threshold to recomputeprint('. Attempting to improve anchors, please wait...')na=m.anchor_grid.numel()//2# number of anchorstry:anchors=kmean_anchors(dataset,n=na,i...
Specify disk (enter its number): 在上面的回显中,c10t5d1为待扩容LUN映射给应用服务器的盘符。 在“Specify disk (enter its number)”后输入c10t5d1盘符对应的ID“3”。 Specify disk (enter its number): 3 selecting c10t5d1 [disk formatted] Note: detected additional allowable expansion storage s...
# yolov5-Paddle/models/yolo.py # self.no = nc + 5 + 8 # number of outputs per anchor if not self.training: # inference ... else: # Detect (boxes only) # 修改:这里的输出是:xy, wh, conf, landmarks, cls xy, wh, conf = F.sigmoid(x[i][:, :, :, :, 0:5]).split((2...
Specify disk (enter its number): 在上面的回显中,c10t5d1为待扩容LUN映射给应用服务器的盘符。 在“Specify disk (enter its number)”后输入c10t5d1盘符对应的ID“3”。 Specify disk (enter its number): 3 selecting c10t5d1 [disk formatted] ...
search(rf"%s{sep}(\d+)" % path.stem, d) for d in dirs] i = [int(m.groups()[0]) for m in matches if m] # indices n = max(i) + 1 if i else 2 # increment number path = Path(f"{path}{sep}{n}{suffix}") # update path dir = path if path.suffix == '' else ...
if np_str_obj_array_pattern.search(elem.dtype.str) is not None: raise TypeError(error_msg_fmt.format(elem.dtype)) return default_collate([torch.from_numpy(b) for b in batch]) if elem.shape == (): # scalars py_type = float if elem.dtype.name.startswith('float') else int ...
('/admin/get_search_info', {}).then((response) =>{ ... }).catch((error) =>{console.error(error)popupAlert('Calendar','Run time error : '+getErrorMessage(error),'error') }) } } },headerToolbar: {left:'prevYear,prev,next,nextYear today, myCustomButton',center:'titl...
Search before asking I have searched the YOLOv5 issues and discussions and found no similar questions. Question Hello, Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I have trying to run training on a supercomputer using torch.distribute...