Great, that's all I needed. I will open a PR. I am using ffmpeg's h264_v4l2m2m encoder to test and that's how I discovered this ioctl was failing. diff --git a/libavcodec/v4l2_m2m_enc.c b/libavcodec/v4l2_m2m_enc.c index 636e1a96dd..2d5f388cc1 100644 --- a/libavcodec/v4l...
tienc: Calling V4L2 IOCTL VIDIOC_SUBSCRIBE_EVENT tienc: query_ctrls Enter query_ctrls Enumerating all non-compound query_ctrls Got type=1 query_ctrls name=GOP size minimum=1 maximum=7200 query_ctrls step=1 default_value=1800 query_ctrls flags=00000000 query_ctrls Got...
ioctl(VIDIOC_G_FMT): invalid argument ,could not write header for output file (incorrect codec parameters ) invalid argument#247 Closed RioChanmentioned this issueMar 18, 2020 V4L2 errors...#262 Closed colin-adamsmentioned this issueMar 21, 2020 Cannot...
1 class ViewController:UIViewController,UIImagePickerControllerDelegate,UINavigationControllerDelegate { ...
I get failures back when I try to start the stream using the IOCTL command VIDIOC_STREAMMON. These are being generated from the ti81xxvin_check_format. I would assume I do not having something configured correctly. Should I be able to configure the driver to support my sensor?
ioctl VIDIOCGAUDIO: Invalid argument ioctl VIDIOCGFBUF: Invalid argument v4l-info is about as simple as you can get, so I would think a perfect drivershould not error. I would not be surprised if the tc errors were not a similarproblem. ...
However, this seems to be broken in GStreamer-1.0. Specifically, the following message prints when calling the REQBUFS IOCTL in USERPTR mode: 0:00:02.005602011 2361 0xe1890 ERROR v4l2allocator gstv4l2allocator.c:771:gst_v4l2_allocator_start:<v4l2src0:pool:src:allocator> error requesting 2 buffe...
说: 指定V4L2ioctl请求的宏和定义位于视频dev2.h头文件中。应用程序应该使用自己的副本,而不是在编译系统的内核源代码中包含版本。那么,我是否应该将这个文件从/usr/include/linux/videodev2.h复制到我的项目文件夹中呢?如果是,为什么? 浏览6提问于2014-03-22得票数 1 ...
fd=%d\n", fd); } // 获取当前视频设备支持的视频格式 struct v4l2_fmtdesc fmtd; int ret = 0; memset(&fmtd;, 0, sizeof(fmtd)); fmtd.index = 0; fmtd.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE; while ((ret = ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT, &fmtd;)) == 0) { fmtd.index++; printf...
include / media / v4l2-subdev.h v6 v5 v4 v4.20 v4.19 v4.18 v4.18.20 v4.18.19 v4.18.18 v4.18.17 v4.18.16 v4.18.15 v4.18.14 v4.18.13 v4.18.12 v4.18.11 v4.18.10 v4.18.9 v4.18.8 v4.18.7 v4.18.6 v4.18.5 v4.18.4 v4.18.3 v4.18.2 v4.18...