Thanks for creating a post. I cannot say that forcing a driver directly from Intel is an entirely advisable procedure. The only recommended drivers that a Lenovo machine support are the OEM drivers uploaded on the support site itself. This is to keep the machine on stable and exp...
蓝牙正常,有线网卡正常,无线网卡无解,用了USB网卡。声卡内建注入ID 28可以正常,但是插入耳机不能自动切换,麦克风正常,相机无法使用。 最大问题在于无法亮度调节!!希望有大神能解决。附上driver64UEFI、kexts以及提取的DSDT Origin 文件。附件: 您需要登录才可以下载或查看附件。没有账号?注册 ...