V6.6 and I tested other versions but on my PC suddenly I found out server configs don't work and got the ping -1 ms! What's your scenario of using V2Ray? E.g., Watching YouTube videos in Chrome via Socks/VMess proxy. VMess Proxy What did you see? (Please describe in detail, su...
lavender:/ $ pm list package -3 package:com.vanced.android.youtube#应用 Vanced Youtubelavender:/ $ grep'com.vanced.android.youtube'/data/system/packages.list com.vanced.android.youtube 10131 0 /data/user/0/com.vanced.android.youtube ...#10131即是应用Vanced Youtube的UID 代理...
they are not good enough for 4k video but it's stable amost 24h/day for web and low qanlity youtube. 6.people always talk about VPN in China.(NordVPN says VPN in China, and give people L2TP, what a joke. It's all about affiliate commission) For GFW, the idea is completely ...
V2Ray is a proxy software that can help Internet users in the countries with Internet censorship to bypass the restrictions, so that they can access the websites or use other web services that are blocked by the governments. For example, Google, YouTube, Twitter, and many other websites are...
免费上youtube加速软件-★解除阻止的网站或应用的 1.阻止社交网络网站或应用程序,如:线,微信,Instagram的,Snapchat,推特,脸谱,WhatsApp的等等... 2.阻止VoIP网络和视频通话,如:Skype公司,Viber的,WhatsCall,伊莫等.. 3.阻止视频网站,如油管。 4.绕过防火墙
Now your proxy should be working. Step 9: DNS Leak Test Go todnsleaktest.com. You will see your V2Ray server’s IP address, which indicates that your V2Ray proxy is working. Click the Standard test. Make sure your local ISP isn’t in the test results. ...
The rather sparse WordPress page you see before you is the new front-end of my personal web site. This is always a work in progress! Mostly I write here about hobby projects I am working on or have completed, partly as an aide-memoire to myself and partly because sometimes the informati...
VKD3D-Proton is the project that translates Microsoft's Direct3D 12 to Vulkan, another big part of Steam Play Proton and there's a new release out. If you wish to know more about Steam Play and Proton do check outour dedicated section. ...
mv /var/lib/docker /run/media/user/some_drive/docker ln -s /run/media/user/some_drive/docker /var/lib/docker # now check if /var/lib/docker is working still ls /var/lib/dockerIf you see folders, then it worked. You can restart Docker, or just reboot if you want to be sure....
(if your device is from 2020 or before) You can do a factory reset and then install SmartTube beta before doing any system updates. You can then safely update your system, SmartTube should continue working. The app has a built-in updater. You only need to follow the installation procedure...