ChemInform Abstract: The Systems M2O3-V2O5-Nb2O5 (M: Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu)doi:10.1002/chin.198911011M.Inst.G.Inst.ZUEVInst.A.Inst.A.Inst.FOTIEVInst.WileyCheminform
In the course of investigations of the phase relations in the title systems the novel compounds MVTa 2 O 9 (M: La, Y, Sc) are found.doi:10.1002/chin.198810022M. G. ZUEVInst. khim. UNTs, Akad. nauk SSSRA. A. FOTIEVInst. khim. UNTs, Akad. nauk SSSR...
A: Chem. 221, 163–168 o(2f 0S0n4O).2-doped V2O5/gamma-Al2O3 catalysts in dehydrogenation of isobutane to 13. Habuta, Y., Narishige, N., Okumura, K., Katada, N. & Niwa, M. Catalytic activity and solid acidity of vanadium oxide thin layer 14. Ploraadseaddo, nP.TSiO. S2,...
They found that ZrO2 improved the thermally stability, while WO3 increased the BrønTstheedpaocsiidtivsietersoloefotfhWe cwataaslycsotns.firFmuertdhaelrsmoobrye,Zahaconmg ebtinaal.ti[o3n5]oafnWd WO3anagndetZarl.O[236e]n, hwahnocefodutnhde tWVdhi2asOOpt35e/W-Tr9siwOiOot32n.%csoap...
ChemInform Abstract: The Systems M2O3‐V2O5‐Nb2O5 (M: Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu)equilibriavanadium, Vniobium, Nblanthanoidsare investigated for the first time.doi:10.1002/chin.198911011ZUEV, M. G.FOTIEV, A. A.WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbHCheminform...