在“系统变量”区域中找到名为“Path”的变量,选择它并点击“编辑”。 确保Visual Studio的安装路径(特别是包含vc\tools\msvc\<version>\bin\hostx64\x64的目录)已经被添加到了变量值中。 通过以上步骤,您应该能够解决“the build tools for v143 (platform toolset = 'v143') cannot be found”的问...
The v143 build tools is installed with VS2022. The build tools for VS2019 is v142. I suggest you install VS2022 to use v143 build tools. Or you can right-click on your project >Properties>General>Platform Toolsetand select the corresponding version for your VS. ...
“error MSB8020: The build tools for v143 (Platform Toolset = ‘v143’) cannot be found.” When I try to build the project with the build tools from Visual Studio 2019, I get the following message: “error MSB8052: MSVC Toolset Version ‘14.30.30705’ is not compatible with ‘v142’...
就了解了一下gulp,和grunt做个简单的比较 有两个明显的感受: (1)使用方式上,gulp的配置文件更清...
ld tools, please install v143 build tools. Alternatively, you may upgrade to the current Visual Studio tools by selecting the Project menu or right-click the solution, and then selecting "Retarget solution". [D:\build\DE-Python\Python\ ...
0Votes JPJean-Luc Pedneault -Reported Jul 11, 2023 4:54 AM We have noticed that using MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ x64/x86 Build Tools (17.34-17.4) sets $(VCToolsRedistInstallDir) to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\VC\Redist\MSVC\14.34....
What happened? As described in this issue, there is a wrong version contained within the file c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Auxiliary\Build\Microsoft.VCToolsVersion.v143.default.props. The version should be ...
打开Visual Studio 2022的“x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS2022”窗口: 进入进入wincon目录,输入以下编译命令,编译 Debug 版本: nmake -f Makefile.vc WIDE=Y UTF8=Y DLL=Y DEBUG=Y 不到一分钟编译完成: 这就是我们编译的成果: 先将这个PDCurses-3.9文件夹重命名备份,再解压出一个新的PDCurses-3.9...
slowly expand to the iOS section as well. But games, Android MODs & iOS MODs are not the only things we can offer you. We have tutorials, tools, a very friendly, active and solid community which will help you with any problem you have =) Your happiness is our goal. We hope you ...
C++ ATL for latest v143 build tools (x86 & x64) If you have installed the consistent version for MSVC, MFC and ATL build tools, this issue is still reproduced. Please try to remove these components and reinstall them again. Then restart VS and re-build your project. Please ...