I'cdiatrics 45:700-772 32. Bracci K. Martini G, Buonocorc G. Talluri B. Berni S. Ottaviani hlF. I'icchi hll'. Casini A I Y X X Changes in erythroc!te properties during the first hours of lik: electron spin resonance of rcacttng sullh)dr)l groups. I'edlatr K o 24:39 1-...
In our lab, w e have used t h e Auto- Analyzer modified Jaffe end-point method, running an air blank before each sample to minimize the "carry-over" effect. Because this method is too cumbersome t o b e used routinely, we compared our values for a given sample t o those obtained ...
In our lab, w e have used t h e Auto- Analyzer modified Jaffe end-point method, running an air blank before each sample to minimize the "carry-over" effect. Because this method is too cumbersome t o b e used routinely, we compared our values for a given sample t o those obtained ...