I am started getting this issue: Error: Post "http://localhost/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/configmaps": dial tcp connect: connection refused on .terraform/modules/eks/terraform-aws-eks-11.1.0/aws_auth.tf line 62, in resou...
Making APIv1 Requests API requests can be generated within the web UI by the API Request Generator, or generated programmatically in any language. An API request looks like this: https://[your instance]/ex/api/v1/api.php?target=ipam&action=get&type=IP&mask=24 An API response is a JSON...
Description RTMP streaming, HTTP-FLV playback The traffic statistics are correct before playing HTTP-FLV. After playing HTTP-FLV, recv_bytes and send_bytes become very large. 1. Version: SRS/3.0.153(OuXuli), The MIT License (MIT) 1. Log:...
Overview API 描述 模型管家类 模型加载、推理、卸载、模型信息获取、兼容性检查接口。该类接口在HiAiModelManagerService.h中定义。 模型编译类 ……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网
Teapplix V1 API is accessed via URL end point "https://app.teapplix.com".As of January 2017, this API is deprecatedand only maintained "as-is", with no functional updates or bug fixes. New customers or applications should use V2 API. Whileexisting applications can continue to use this AP...
gRPC 无法很好地支持的客户端。但是仅仅为了公开 HTTP/JSON API 而编写另一个服务是一项非常耗时且乏味...
DataSource V1 API执行原理 自定义V1数据源 1 DataSource的V1与V2 最初Spark的底层数据模型只有RDD,后来演化除了DataFrame,随着SQL化的支撑越来越多的API转向SQL,整个spark的重心也逐步往SQL方向偏移。在2.3以前数据源相关的API一般叫做V1 API,它以RDD为基础,向上扩展schema信息,形成DataFrame。之后的版本则是另一...
打印支持应用 v4 API 设计指南向在设备上实现 v4 打印支持应用 (PSA) 的打印机 OEM 和 IHV 提供相关指南和示例。 打印支持虚拟打印机的 MSIX Manifest 规范为正在实现打印支持虚拟打印机的打印机 OEM 和 IHV 提供 MSIX 清单指南和示例。 打印支持应用关联提供有关将打印支持应用(PSA)与打印机...
$ git clone https://github.com/knit-pk/api-v1-php.git knit-api Run project $ cd knit-api $ docker-compose up Useful commands Stop project $ docker-compose stop Stop project with destroying all its data $ docker-compose down -v Rebuild and run docker images $ docker-compose build -...
This endpoint authenticates the User or ApiClient and returns a JSON Web Token that should be used for all further communication with the API. Format: <BASE_URL>/api/v1/authenticate Example ApiClient login: curl -v -X POST https://localhost:3000/api/v1/authenticate \ -H"Content-Type: ...