I am testing Vuetify 3 (npm:@vuetify/nightly@next) v-select and try to get change event. However, my handler function is not called. This is my code: TS: export default defineComponent({ setup() { function onLanguageChange(a: any) { console.log(a); } const items = ['Русск...
Only v-change works, however it only works when it'schangeSelecterStatus()andnot workingwithchangeSelecterStatusowever if i use v-change="eventMethod()" it will give me a bunch of events, because when initializing the component it already loads the data change api, so when i do nothing ...
3:恍惚间,每一行都独立不就是【scope.$index】【scope.row】是同样的;这样也不用监听v-select的change event。(用之) v-if/else template任务状态{1,2,3};当完成==3时,跳转ftp:// <el-table-columnlabel="任务状态"prop="taskStatus"><templateslot-scope="scope"><spanv-if="scope.row.taskStatus=...
在Vue组件的methods选项中定义一个方法,用于处理select元素的change事件。 代码语言:txt 复制 methods: { handleSelectChange(event) { this.selectedValue = event.target.value; } } 在select元素上添加change事件监听器,将其绑定到上一步定义的方法上。 代码语言:txt 复制 <select v-model="selectedValue" @chang...
例如, // app-select.vue <v-select :items="[1,2,3]" @change="$emit('input', $event)"></v-select> // parent-component.vue <app-select v-model="selectedValue" /> 因此,更改v-select的值应该会更改父组件上的selectedValue。 但是如果我有一个对象,我想通过一个带有几个选择器的受控组件 ...
上記のようにイベントメソッドに$eventのオブジェクトを渡すことで他の引数も渡すことができます。 例題 Example.vue <template><divid="app"><ul><liv-for="example in examples"><inputtype="text"@change="onChange(example.id, $event)"></li></ul></div></template><script>newVue({el...
Here the codepen. v-select only trigger an event called 'input' everytime a value is set to it. It would be better to have an event when a value is changed by the user.