inverted V-lag pattern【经】 反V型滞后模式文献(pubmed) 以下为句子列表:英文: The phonetic notations include three authors' notations: Zheng Ang's (郑昂) which were collected in the Feng Meng Ji Zhu Du Gong Bu Shi (《分门集注杜工部诗》) , Cat Cheng's (蔡沈) Shu Jing JiZhuan (《书...
Vn. 1.字母v,罗马数字5,V形物 v/v(溶质)容量/(溶剂)溶量 patternn.[C] 1.图样;花样;样式 2.模型;底样;纸样 3.[usually sing.]范例;典范;榜样;样板 4.模式;方式 5.样品;样本 6.(艺术或文学作品的)风格,格调 7 v.v.vice versa 反之亦然 ...
Image Pattern Recognition 《Image Pattern Recognition》是一本图书,作者是Kovalevskii, V. A.