V-dog: 100% complete & balanced plant-based dog food with healthy superfoods and high quality protein. Shop kibble, our soft food suitable for puppies, natural treats, and more!
Maybe your pup is vegan, or maybe not. I don’t think mine ever will be, but that has not kept them from enjoying the tasty treats and breathbones. But, if your pet has the hankering to be vegan, V-Dog also offers vegan dog food! It is pooch tested and the healthiest, kindest d...
Does v-dog use AAFCO feeding trials? Our kind kibble meets AAFCO standards for adult dogs, and our happy harvest cans meet AAFCO standards for both adult dogs and puppies. It's a complete puppy food option too. We're a vegan company, so we don't engage in animal testing. To meet ...
VGRRR is a nutrition-first company that collaborates with world-leading veterinarians to provide nutritionally complete, plant-based foods for cats and dogs. Our formulas contain all essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals required for optimal feline
100% vegan.Caloric Content370 kcal/can; 1010 kcal/kgGuaranteed analysisCrude Protein: 6% minCrude Fat: 2.5% minCrude Fiber: 2% maxMoisture: 78% maxAsh: 3.5% maxWe’re a totally different kind of dog food company. Since 2005 we have been dedicated to making products that are better for ...