Templates for everything from kickoffs to retros 20+ 图表模板示例 & VChart 插件使用说明。 VChart 插件能力: 图表可自由编辑数据 & 样式并实时预览 支持图表亮暗色模式 内置多种图表主题 对JS 开发友好 Preview
These instructions are assuming you are using Vue CLI to create your template. Include the plugin in your main.js: importChartfrom'v-chart-plugin'Vue.use(Chart); Within your component you will need to include an object with: title, selector, width, height, and datapoints to pass to the ...
import { UniverVChartPlugin, CREATE_VCHART_COMMAND_ID, } from "@visactor/univer-vchart-plugin"; export function setupUniver() { const univer = new Univer({ theme: defaultTheme, locale: LocaleType.EN_US, locales: { [LocaleType.EN_US]: enUS, }, }); univer.registerPlugin(UniverVChart...
import { UniverVChartPlugin } from '@visactor/univer-vchart-plugin'; export function setupUniver() { const univer = new Univer({ theme: defaultTheme, locale: LocaleType.EN_US, locales: { [LocaleType.EN_US]: enUS, }, }); univer.registerPlugin(UniverDocsPlugin, { hasScroll: false, }...
import VChart from "@visactor/vchart"; import { convertVChartToSvg } from "@visactor/vchart-svg-plugin"; const spec = { type: "pie", data: [ { id: "id0", values: [ { type: "oxygen", value: "46.60" }, { type: "silicon", value: "27.72" }, { type: "aluminum", value...
Dynamic Line Chart(DLC)是一个After Effects插件,可立即从数据创建折线图。 图表的所有参数和数据本身都可以设置动画。许多(数百个!)参数可以对网格和轴的外观和尺寸进行动画控制,从而可以放大和缩小数据。 数据-甚至是动画数据-都可以通过CSV文件(UTF-8编码)导入,也可以从图表图像中重新采样。
Chart Library "v-chart-pluginis designed to allow Vue.js developers to incorporate fully reactive and customizable charts into their applications. The plugin is built off of the D3.js JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. ...
Created with StackBlitz ⚡️. Contribute to xile611/univer-vchart-plugin-demo development by creating an account on GitHub.
Created with StackBlitz ⚡️. Contribute to xile611/univer-vchart-plugin-demo development by creating an account on GitHub.